Spring Sale - Extra $200 Off 2 E-Bikes


XF800 – Glow Up

XF800 – Glow Up

Whether you embrace cozy nature or position yourself in the noisy center of the city, the Cyrusher XF800 can glow up your day, injecting self-confidence and vitality into your daily life.

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XF690 XF900 – Father's Day Adventure

This is a contest between men, the roar of the motor announces the ambition to fight, and starts the adventure of the jungle. Along the way, they are rivals, partners, and father and son.

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XF900 Kommoda – Director Cut

If you don't perform, you're out! In the behind-the-scenes footage of the short play, Cyrusher seems to be endowed with a personality. Kommoda, who is as enthusiastic as the sun, meets the calm and low-key XF900, and life is so dramatic.

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XF800 XF900 – Camping in couple

Dress casually to start the day of camping, talk freely with your couple along the way, enjoy the scenery and food, and welcome the little surprises along the way,  XF900 and XF800 will become your best partners for travel

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XF770 XF590 – Around town

The collision of classic red and jumping orange, a wonderful encounter between XF770 and XF590 in a small town

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XF900 Kommoda – A romantic sunset in couple

XF900 and Kommada are a natural match, just like you and that she. Ride it to chase the sunset and chat about each other's life stories in the romantic atmosphere of dusk. 

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XF650 XF800 – Lucy adventure

XF650 XF800 – Lucy adventure

Ride the Cyrusher and go on an adventure with your partner, the road you travel together will be the best scenery in memory

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XF650 – Biking around

Ride your beloved XF650 on the forest trails, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and let your body and mind get double enjoyment.

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Kommoda – An afternoon ride in the park

Take a nature trip on kommoda and let the pack break down the burden of supplies for you and help you go further. This fall, let Cyrusher bike and you feel the refreshing coolness of autumn together!

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